Finding My Footing as One of Two Female Executives in Tech

Have you ever wondered if other leaders face the same challenges as you? Have you ever felt alone in your struggles to steer your organization through change?

Giving voice to the silent struggles and successes of leaders, the ‘Leadership Unplugged’ series pulls back the curtain to reveal the unspoken pressures, challenges, and victories that shape today’s leaders.

Leadership transitions are more than role changes—they're about venturing into unfamiliar territories and leaving your mark. We sat down with a leader who transitioned from a corporate organization into the tech world as the Vice President of Marketing and Communications. Here’s a glimpse into her journey and the raw realities she faced along the way.

Why this role?

I was drawn to this smaller tech company because of its passion for social responsibility and sustainability.With over a decade of experience, I felt ready to use my skills to help them amplify their brand and drive innovative marketing strategies to help them reach their revenue goals. 

So we asked, how’s it going?

At first, stepping into this role felt liberating—I was filled with energy and eager to make a difference. But now five months down the line, some days are genuinely tough. Early on, as I met with teams and delved deeper into the company culture, the lack of strategic clarity became very apparent. Despite my experience, finding my footing and making my voice heard—especially as one of only two female executives—was more challenging than anticipated.

How did that make you feel?

To be honest, it’s frustrating. I had hoped for a different environment. But the reality is, it’s not. So I took a step back and decided to just observe as I tried to feel out my peers. Now, five months in, I’m asserting myself more. When I’m interrupted, I gently but firmly remind my colleagues I’m not done speaking. It's about respect.

So how do you keep moving forward?

I keep my focus laser-sharp on my team and our objectives—why I was brought here. I know that I bring a unique perspective to the table, and despite some pushback and navigating tricky power dynamics, I’m here to deliver results.

What do you foresee as barriers to achieving results?

After evaluating our capabilities, it’s clear we're passionate yet under-resourced. We lack certain skills and tools critical for our success, which means prioritization and creativity in resource allocation are more important than ever.

What have you learned about yourself through this experience?

This journey has been a testament to my resilience. I've learned that no matter the hurdles, I have the strength and capability to persevere. Facing these obstacles has not only taught me a lot, but they've also helped me grow into a stronger leader. So I’ve come to realize that every challenge is an opportunity to learn and to shine.


What challenges have you faced in adapting to a new role and how did you overcome it while staying true to your goals and values?

Comment below and let us know your perspective. 


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